Parenting is a very different experience today than it was for our parents. Now there is more information and interest in babies' health and a tendency to prefer the natural, go back to basics or take advantage of the best of technology.
Baby bags now have:
UV-protective clothing.
The technology you can take advantage of with your child is not just tablets or phones to play those thousands of educational videos that exist. Clothing is technology too and these clothes will help keep them protected from the sun, not just with sunscreen.
Amber necklaces
For teething, this is an alternative that parents are using more and more. Amber releases essential oils that help relieve the pain your baby feels at this stage.
BPA-free toys
The golden rule is that much if not everything your baby grabs will be put in his mouth, and toys are no exception. Therefore, it is advisable to prefer toys with Bisphenol-A free paints, as these are carcinogenic chemicals that you don't want them to absorb. Also, there are options for toys made of natural rubber without harmful dyes.
Children's books
Encouraging a taste for books from a young age is a challenge these days because any gadget with a screen will grab their attention faster. However, there are many options for pocket-sized children's books that parents include in their bag.
Eco-friendly diapers
This is the product that all of us parents invest quite a bit of money in. Although some have opted to go back to using cloth diapers, to economize and reduce the amount of waste produced; fortunately there are more and more options for diapers made from bamboo fibers or recycled plastic.