How to be a mother? There is no manual but there is a lot of advice
by Melissa Gonzales on Jun 07, 2021

The adventure of being parents is a road full of advice from grandmothers, from friends, from multiple acquaintances and strangers who tell you how everything should be done... according to them. Sharing experiences is valuable; also, deciding the style of mom you want to be.
As a woman who became a mom just before I started my thirties, I already have my maternity bag full of recommendations:
Don't be so scared.
You're going to be able to do whatever you want. Your life changes, but it goes on and you are primarily responsible for finding a balance so you don't feel trapped in the new role of mom.
Let yourself be helped
There are always people you can trust to ask for help when you want to have lunch alone with your husband, work for a couple of hours, enjoy an evening with your friends, or just sleep and slow down.
Be cautious but don't overdo it
The responsibility of caring for your child and accompanying him/her in his/her growth is undeniable. You will have to learn about healthy eating, the appropriate stimulation for each stage, symptoms and treatments for the most common illnesses... and countless new topics. The important thing is not to stress about wanting to do everything perfectly; you are still a human being who sometimes makes mistakes.
Enjoy every day
What would be the point of so many changes in your life if you don't enjoy the course of this transformation? Joy is stronger than any other feeling that we moms also feel.