
What to take in your bag on your Easter trip?

by Melissa Gonzales on Jun 07, 2021

¿Qué llevar en la bolsa en tu viaje de Semana Santa?

You already know the exact dates for Easter this year. You've already agreed on where you're going on your trip, and as the forward-thinking mother you are, you've already checked what the weather is going to be like. All that's left to do is to pack your bags and head out to enjoy with your family.

Whether you are going to spend your vacations in Barcelona, Valencia, Malaga, Seville or any other getaway you have planned, there are some things that always come in handy:

Wool blanket.

The good thing about wool is that it is a fabric that adapts to the temperature of the environment. If it's very cold, it will keep your little one warm. If it's a warm environment, it will keep him warm, but allowing enough air to pass through to keep him cool.


Laundry soap

Your child's clothes are small, but it's always best to be practical and not carry so much. Take a small bottle of the soap you usually use to wash their clothes. If you are taking a plane and have a luggage limit, this is my best recommendation.


Microfiber towel

They are great because they dry faster than cotton ones and take up less space.



It seems obvious, but at the beginning it happened to me that I was carrying creams or medicines for daily use, but I didn't think about an unforeseen case of fever.


Sleeping stuffed animal

The routine will change on vacation, with so many new stimuli and places. That's why it will help to bring your little one a symbol that he relates to bedtime.


What else would you put in your traveling mom's bag this Easter?

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